Welcome to lil kewwi's website!
kewwi the goat

Chua Te Minh Duc

I'm Nguyen Minh Duc a.k.a Kewwi_ng. Feel free to call me Cyber Heisenberg the way i cook the code (basically tech meth) or Gandalf the tech wiz of decision tree






kilancauvonglaplanh @gmail.com




Salute! I'm currently navigating my third year at Uneti University and FPT Skillking in Vietnam, juggling roles as an avid student, a proficient developer, and a dedicated Python instructor. In addition to my tech-centric pursuits, I derive pleasure from gardening, relish invigorating jogs, and partake in lively gaming sessions with friends.

I am deeply committed to evolving into a seasoned software developer and design enthusiast, fueled by an unyielding dedication to self-improvement. Beyond coding and tending to my garden, I find joy in experimenting with cooking and turning basic ingredients into gratifying meals.

With a down-to-earth demeanor and a straightforward approach to life, I embrace simplicity while maintaining a continuous thirst for learning. I thrive on challenges and am motivated by the prospect of personal and professional growth. An enthusiastic seeker of knowledge, I am quick to adapt to new technologies, consistently willing to study emerging trends, and pride myself on being a rapid learner.

In my quest for mastery, I actively seek a mentor who shares my passion and is dedicated to guiding me on this dynamic journey. Whether I'm delving into the intricacies of coding, exploring innovative solutions, or actively pursuing the latest in technology, I bring a relentless pursuit of excellence and a readiness to embrace new challenges.

Typing SVG

Andrew Tates

"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today."

Elon Musk

"Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in the world."

Andrew Tates

"Success is not a destination, it's a journey. Enjoy the process and the results will come."

Ishida Sui

"I won't pull back. I will press forward. Like a centipede."

Andrew Tates

"Success is a product of consistency. It's not about doing something once, it's about doing it over and over until you master it"

Miyamoto Musashi

"There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself."

My projects!

Virtual Assistant handles basic tasks
Weather Report App
Series Game 2D
Turtle Art

Targets !

🥅 2024 Goals :

Contribute more to ML projects, achieve more knowlegde, be more discipline, build up some muscle and full fill my wallet for the fam GIF

🏆 Life Goals :

Be the man i always want to be - a strong kind person, strive to excel in my jobs, achieving success in my career. I aim for financial stability and a position of influence, power allowing me to care for those I love. Find myself a good woman who love and care about me, treat her right, take good care for her and love her every single day as she deserve , build a happy family together. The road may be challenging as it should be for my worthwhile goals, but hey, i'm not gonna giving up, not stopping until i achieve everything my younger self promised

📋 Short term Goals :

In the near future, I'm focusing on building a strong foundation in Machine Learning and Data Analysis by learning independently. This will help me become a more effective self-learner and gain practical experience. Additionally, I'll be working on developing my soft skills and building connections that will be valuable for my career.



August 2021 - Present.

GPA: 3.12



It's low-impact exercise with big benefits. Get fit, reduce stress, boost mood - all while exploring or enjoying free time.


Love making meals for those who i love.


Feel peaceful and calm when i do gardening. There's something about tending to plants that soothes my soul

Betta Fish

Gorgeous and solitude. Territorial by nature, the betta thrives in solitude. Its splendor is meant for no other, a solitary dance in a world of its own reflection. While some might see loneliness in its isolation, there's a quiet dignity in the betta's self-sufficiency. Its beauty needs no audience, its strength shines even brighter alone.

Hightech stuff

Technologies are gorgeous,its breathtaking beauty of intelligent make me fall in love with it. Like other beauty, it ain't easy to achive, worth its charm. There's a part of me that thrives on pushing boundaries. It's hard to articulate, but there's a deep satisfaction that comes from mastering something most people find ordinary. Maybe it stems from a desire to see how far I can push my own limits, to discover hidden strengths and talents. I rather thrive to fire and struggle to survive in vain for some fun than living in ease and boredom, that the only way i can do to satisfy myself, the way i survive a tedious life, the tedium gonna slowly consuming me, draining my soul of all joy. I refuse to live like that and it's also about class,it's about sending messages to those says i can't

Money making

Same with above hobbies, gotta say money is alluring


Beauty surrounds us, from nature's wonders to the art humans create. But perhaps the most captivating form is found in women. Their strength, intelligence, and diversity paint a masterpiece unlike any other. Take a place in their heart and stay there ain't something easy but it just make the mission more interesting for me